понедельник, 15 октября 2012 г.

Unification tourism information, as a defining element in the development of world tourism

The World Tourism Organization has repeatedly approached the problem of unification of Tourist Information. In 1986, the Council of Ministers of the European Community adopted a system of standard dartizirovannoy information for hotels (Standar dized Information System). It consists of a fairly large number of icons (stylized drawings) used in European countries and in some countries in other regions, such as the sign of P, indicating the parking lot (parking) cars.

      This system is simple and has a number of advantages. It is objective, informative, easy to operate and can be controlled through the use of existing laws on consumer protection, which prohibits misleading interpretations. The system is widely used in European countries (in the lobby of the hotel, in the lobby restaurants, on the streets) to facilitate the stay of the guests. The system also has found its application in the catalogs of the European Union and some others.
      However, this system is not the only one. International Federation of youth hostels developed and used its own system of symbols to simplify and availability of information. There are other systems, such as Corporate Information graphics systems.
      World Tourism Organization attempts to create a single unified global geographic information system for tourism. But so far, such a system has not been created, as it turned out, that in different parts of the world are one and the same objects are indicated by different conventional signs, such as parks and gardens, and can be designated a "tree" and "fence", beautiful landscapes - "the rising sun "or" camera ", etc. Yet, in most cases, the icon of many information systems are clear to all, especially to them that gives a brief explanation on two or three languages.
Therefore, the use of information systems in tourism - a common practice. All system icons and we help to overcome language problems: the visitor is much easier
 with these systems, find the information and understand it, regardless of which of the countries he visits, tourist entrepreneurs systems help to find a common language with their foreign partners. The main thing - to pay attention and inform visitors about the availability of certain characters in a given country and explain their underlying value.
 WTO nearly a quarter century of fruitful activity only came to some basic problems of unifying GOVERNMENTAL issues in international tourism. Also, there is no can not yet be universal worldwide hotel classification by stars or other categories.
 In many countries, including Russia, have national classification system by the stars. In Greece, for example, there is the letter of the national hotel classification (A, B, C), in India - a point system.

In this widely used in the world of Corporate classification system operating under a hotel corporation (for example, "Holiday Inn", "Marriott", etc.). Many of them are stellar, but they have different (though similar in many ways) the standards and requirements for the hotel category.

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