понедельник, 15 октября 2012 г.

Classification of tourism by purpose

. Classify the types of tourism is possible on different grounds for which the most important are: tourist destination, timing, and territorial characteristics, individual customer needs, financial capacity of clients.
Depending on the intensity of human activities are distinguished: passive and active forms of tourism.
The active include: adventure travel, adventure tourism, nature safari, mysterious tour. To passive include: tours for families with children, trips to treatment; tours for older, green tourism. Classification of tourism on the basis of the notional, as the goals of travel are often closely intertwined. Accordingly, types of tourism, allocated on this basis, as frequently mixed. However, based on the purposes of tourism, it is possible to "pure" are the following ones.

     Excursion tours - travel to educational purposes. This is one of the most common forms of tourism, which is a modern domestic travel agencies. Desire of the citizens of different nationalities to explore the historical, cultural, natural and other attractions met a huge number of tourist companies - both domestic and joint ventures with firms from other countries.
     Recreational tourism (from Lat. Recreation - recovery) - a trip for rest and treatment. This type of tourism is very common throughout the world. In some countries, it is highlighted in the independent sector of the economy and operates in parallel with other forms of tourism.
        Business travel - travel associated with the performance of professional duties. Business from year to year is becoming increasingly important. Travel is to visit the facilities that belong to the company or are of particular interest to her, for business meetings, to search for additional channels of supply and distribution, to examine the situation in the different markets, etc. Appeal to the tourist firms in all cases to organize detailed route with lower cost. In addition, business tourism is the organization of conferences, seminars, workshops, etc. Here invaluable acquire construction at the hotel complex special rooms, the installation of communication equipment (telephone, fax, telautograph, Internet, etc.), the allocation of space for negotiation and confidential talks, etc. Recently began to actively develop a separate subspecies of business travel - "shuttle tourism", short-term travel abroad or to other parts of small wholesalers for the purchase or sale of small parties a hot commodity.
      Ethnic tourism, travel for family visits. This form of tourism is usually associated with the movement of people in remote areas or other countries. Travel agencies to help with the design of transport tickets, passports, visas, etc. This category does not require tourist accommodation facilities, so travel agencies usually separate issues need to find suitable housing for these clients. In some cases the travel agent can advise the customer the most convenient hotels for him in accordance with his wishes on the location, cost, comfort, etc.
     Sports tourism - travel to participate in sporting events. It offers travel companies have resorted to this case as the head of the sports teams and fans association, as the organizers of the competition, as well as individual citizens. With the development of some of the popularity of sports and competition, the role of different travel companies wishing to provide certain goods and services.

    Tourism with social objectives - a journey undertaken to participate in community events. The latter include a wide range taken by the various parties, foundations, associations and other social organizations activities, such as meetings, marches, demonstrations, public speaking, etc. Travel firms in consultation with the organizers of these events (sometimes - on its own initiative) will organize transport and accommodation if necessary participants in these events, and also provide, if necessary, and related services (production and / or distribution of related products, banners, badges, pendants, souvenirs, etc., to attract consumer services, trade, folklore groups, culture and art, and much more).
     Target tourism is travel to various public events. This type of tourism is often closely related to the previous one, but its purpose is generally not doing social missions, and individual needs of individual citizens to visit various commercial and non-commercial activities. Tourism company provides transportation of people (in some cases, things-items, goods and equipment to the site of fairs, exhibitions, concerts, gatherings, festivals, etc. In most cases, it does not require the resettlement of short-term arrivals of tourists, but if necessary travel agencies can provide for everyone living conditions (for example, arrange a rental or sale of equipment for tourist meeting of tourists, accommodation of different comfort arriving by inter-regional and international trade fairs, food, culture and entertainment, etc.).
    Religious tourism - traveling, having to perform any religious procedures, missions vows. Usually travel agencies cater mainly traditional tourist routes in this category, for example, the delivery of the holy places and accommodation near them, guide service in areas with large concentrations of believers, etc. However, in some cases, the tourist firm can organize and route individual requests of citizens or to provide transportation and accommodation of scientific expeditions in the regions.
    Karavanning - (recreational vehicle) - journey to the small mobile caravan. Used mainly in travel for vacation.
    Adventure tourism - tourism related to physical activity, and sometimes at the risk of life. In organizing these tours "kit" adventures can be prepared specifically and provided with all possible means to ensure security. Except recently become traveling with unplanned adventures mostly for travel in little explored and uninhabited places (jungle, mountains, deserts, etc.).
    Village Tourism - the temporary movement of tourists into the country. Tourists live in villages or near them in specially prepared settlements. Often they stay in traditional villages and learn about the local way of life. In some cases, the village is a tourist base for exploring the surrounding areas. During large gatherings of people after an event (sports, festivals, carnivals, fairs, etc.) often come for a holiday visitors located in the surrounding villages, it not only solves the problem of accommodation.

    Farm and rural tourism - the kind of tourism, in which a working farm (ranch, plantation) is specially organized at the tourism sector to generate additional income from certain types of tourist activities (lodging, food, introduction to the work on the farm). The duration of stay can range from a few days (educational tourism) to the whole season (usually summer). This type of tourism is often used for families with children, as well as urban youth, seeking to escape to nature and try your hand at agricultural field
    Ecotourism - tourism with care for the environment okruzhayuschey, the form of a specialized nature tourism. Specialized trips are usually organized in small groups. During travel guides strive to educate the love of nature, to explain the need to protect the natural resources the importance of protecting the environment. In many countries, ecotourism is becoming an integral part of satellite and other types of tourism.
    Water tourism - travel on the ship, boats and other river and sea vessels on rivers, canals, lakes and seas. Geographically and over time this type of tourism is very diverse: from time and day routes mainly for local residents in the surrounding waters to multi-week cruise on the seas and oceans.
    Stationary tourism - the construction of second homes for holidays and houses, bought or rented pensioners or strangers. Usually this tourism develops in areas that are attractive from an environmental and climatic point of view. In contrast, we have taken and passed the spa building with high-rise buildings, this type of tourism is more like a "holiday" tourism - cottages are built, as a rule, a single-family or can accommodate one or more travelers.
     All these forms of tourism are often closely intertwined, and highlight them in pure form is not always possible. For example, business travel can be combined with a tour or sports, ethnic - with sports or religious trust - with recreational or social purposes, etc.

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