понедельник, 15 октября 2012 г.

Forecasts and prospects of development of world tourism

According to experts' forecasts growth of international tourism in the first 10-20 years of the XXI century. will decline somewhat. If the level of 1999 and 2000. global growth rate of just over 5%, in the next five years is expected to decline to 4.4% by 2005 and to 4.3% by 2013
   Big changes in the structure and projected out. The share of inter-regional travel long distances is growing:
 in 1995 it was 15%, and by 2013 is expected to increase to 25%. This trend can be explained not only by the fact that people are traveling more and more, but the fact that the modern tourism industry can offer tourists a variety of opportunities for travel fairly high level of security guarantees.

The current state and the growth of world tourism

    According to WTO statistics, over the past decades have seen steady growth of international tourism. On average, the global tourist business increases by 3-4% per year, despite the place from time to time global and regional crises. In 1999, the number of tourists traveling abroad was 657 million people.
   In general, the development and growth of tourism in the world at the end of XX and beginning of XXI century. can be considered sustainable. Although in 1997 and 1998. there was some decline in the growth of tourist traffic, due to several economic crises in Asia, though an average of 4% per year, the number of tourists traveling increases.

The main components of competitiveness of tourist business

 World tourism is developing quite rapidly. In the highly competitive tourism develops. Therefore, factors of development and success of business concern of all tourist enterprises. Experts identify seven factors affecting the competitiveness of tourism services:
 1) quality;
 2) reliability;
 3) safety;
 4) the justification for the price;
 5) consumer segmentation;
 6) Seasonal price differentiation;
 7) differentiated system of discounts.

Factors affecting the development of the tourism industry

In many countries, developed and developing steadily, the tourism industry, with its huge tion material base, providing employment of millions of people and interacting with almost all sectors of the economy. Today, tourism
 on gross income is the second largest in the world after oil and the largest in the world - to provide jobs.
 The main causes of the rapid development of tourism in the second half of the XX century. and in the current period:

International Code of ethnic tourism, as a regulator of the main aspects of tourism

International Tourism public is more concerned about the development of tourism in the right, social and humanitarian way. To this end, at the 13th session of the WTO, held in Santiago at the end of September 1999, adopted a new International Code of Ethics for Tourism. His goal - to send the right track development of the tourism industry in the new, XXI century. and help to increase the flow of tourists.
       Code is advisory in nature and is composed of 10 articles on various aspects of tourism activities. It is designed not only to specialists of tourist business, and government agencies, the media, as well as by tourists.

Unification tourism information, as a defining element in the development of world tourism

The World Tourism Organization has repeatedly approached the problem of unification of Tourist Information. In 1986, the Council of Ministers of the European Community adopted a system of standard dartizirovannoy information for hotels (Standar dized Information System). It consists of a fairly large number of icons (stylized drawings) used in European countries and in some countries in other regions, such as the sign of P, indicating the parking lot (parking) cars.

Signs of segmentation and major segments of the tourist market

Feature - a way to highlight the segment in the market. In tourism, the main features of segmentation are:
 . geography;
 . demographics;
 . socio-demographic;
 . psychographics;
 . behavioral.
    When market segmentation by geography appropriate to consider the group of consumers with the same or similar preferences, determine residence in a particular territory. As the geographical area can be considered an entire country or group of countries with any historical, political, ethnic or religious community.
     Demographic characteristics (sex consumers, age, number of family members) are among the fairly applied. This is due to the availability of features, their stability over time, and the presence among them and demand a very close relationship.

segmentation as a means of selecting the most promising target market

      Tourism enterprises, operating in difficult market conditions, must be attentive to the question of who and how to serve. The fact that any market from the point of view of marketing consists of consumers who differ in their tastes, desires, needs and acquire travel services based on different motivations. The implementation of a successful marketing activity requires consideration of individual preferences of different groups of customers. That is what is the basis of market segmentation. With the segmentation of the total number of potential consumers choose certain types (market segments), to present a more or less uniform requirements for the tourism product.

Classification of tourism by purpose

. Classify the types of tourism is possible on different grounds for which the most important are: tourist destination, timing, and territorial characteristics, individual customer needs, financial capacity of clients.
Depending on the intensity of human activities are distinguished: passive and active forms of tourism.
The active include: adventure travel, adventure tourism, nature safari, mysterious tour. To passive include: tours for families with children, trips to treatment; tours for older, green tourism. Classification of tourism on the basis of the notional, as the goals of travel are often closely intertwined. Accordingly, types of tourism, allocated on this basis, as frequently mixed. However, based on the purposes of tourism, it is possible to "pure" are the following ones.

The concept of Tourism, as well as the main features and principles on which it is based

Tourism, defined by the International Academy of Tourism (Monte Carlo, Monaco) is a general term for all forms of temporary departure of people from a place of residence for health purposes and (or) to meet the cognitive interests in leisure time or in the professional and business purposes without training remunerated activity in a place of temporary residence.
     In legal literature, international tourism is defined as follows - it's a tourist trip out of the country of residence. It is a system of travel, based on international treaties, taking into account existing international customs.

Historical emergence of tourism and its development over the millennia

   Travel to get acquainted with the culture and nature of other countries existed in the ancient world. For example, in ancient Egypt under the Pharaohs XI dynasty, more than 2,000 years BC often fitted out the expedition and to travel to other countries. At the height of the Greek city-states were formed centers are regularly visited by travelers, such as Olympia during the Olympic Games. Games participants arrive in advance, so they called for a specific service: constructed space for training, provided personal services, or in a modern service - baths, meals, departure ceremonies. For placement of competitors and fans to build special living facilities.