понедельник, 15 октября 2012 г.

The concept of Tourism, as well as the main features and principles on which it is based

Tourism, defined by the International Academy of Tourism (Monte Carlo, Monaco) is a general term for all forms of temporary departure of people from a place of residence for health purposes and (or) to meet the cognitive interests in leisure time or in the professional and business purposes without training remunerated activity in a place of temporary residence.
     In legal literature, international tourism is defined as follows - it's a tourist trip out of the country of residence. It is a system of travel, based on international treaties, taking into account existing international customs.

     Should focus on the difference between the definitions of "international tourism", "international tourism" and "foreign tourism." International tourism - a legal definition, so there is no legal basis for the existence of the terms "foreign tourism" and "foreign tourism." There is no basis for the conclusion that the concept of "international tourism" absorbs the terms "international tourism" and "foreign tourism." These concepts are the most economic categories, and more hrakterny the Soviet period the state and law.
    Currently, the most common concept of "international tourism", received the legalization of the legal systems of different countries, is the definition formulated in 1993 by the UN Statistical Commission for Tourism Statistics (concepts, definitions and classifications for tourism statistics), as well as recommendations Tourism Statistics, World Tourism Organization. According to the documents, tourism comprises the activities of persons traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for a period of not more than one consecutive year, for leisure, business and other purposes.
    Tourism is the activities of persons traveling or staying in places outside their usual residence continuously for more than one year for leisure or for business and other purposes not related to any paid work in the place of residence.
Signs Tourism
Thus, the definition of tourism is based on the following evidence:
Tourism is the result of the movement of people;
tourism has always comprises two elements: a trip to a destination and stop there;
traveling means leaving the country (or region) where tourist resides;
Journey - is a temporary movement of tourists on the tourist route.

The special principles of international tourism may include such as:
freedom of movement and choice of residence within each state (Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948);
Freedom of movement and non-discrimination (Article 1 of the Tourism Charter 1985)
respect for national sovereignty, etc.

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