понедельник, 15 октября 2012 г.

The current state and the growth of world tourism

    According to WTO statistics, over the past decades have seen steady growth of international tourism. On average, the global tourist business increases by 3-4% per year, despite the place from time to time global and regional crises. In 1999, the number of tourists traveling abroad was 657 million people.
   In general, the development and growth of tourism in the world at the end of XX and beginning of XXI century. can be considered sustainable. Although in 1997 and 1998. there was some decline in the growth of tourist traffic, due to several economic crises in Asia, though an average of 4% per year, the number of tourists traveling increases.

    Analyzing the development of tourism in the period, experts noted two trends in the tourism and influence its development: the impact of external economic and political factors and the rapid recovery of tourism in a hostile environment.
 In the last period observed higher rate of growth of tourism in regions such as Africa (9%), Middle East (17.5%), East Asia and the Pacific (8.5%) with a rather low growth rates in Europe (1% 1999). In this case, the absolute value of Europe retains primacy on the number of visitors (385.9 million people in 1999).
 This trend creates objective conditions for brighter manifested in the recent inter-regional competition, when the emergence of new resorts with inflated standards of service makes the old tourist regions to tighten their standards, to seek new ways of quality competition for the arrival of tourists to the region. Thus, service standards are constantly rising.
       In order to attract more of tourists each region, the resort is trying to create the best conditions for them to relax and travel, the tourists feel at home. An important role is played by an understandable and accessible information for tourists in the catalog as well as in places of recreation and travel (stands, signs, symbols and objects, etc.).

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